Vocab Sniper - Grand Master 11/27/23

Here's what's new for the 1.0 release. At this point I consider the project completed. I probably won't be adding/modifying anything to the game in the future unless there's significant demand for it. Enjoy!

New Features

  • Vocab shuffling. Funnily enough I forgot to add randomization to the list and a playtester was able to exploit that to their advantage to get a higher score. Now, the order of the vocab words is completely randomized.


  • Gameplay
    • Fixed a critical bug where hitting the target EXACTLY at 2.5 seconds left on the timer would cause the game to skip over two questions and cause the game to break if triggered on the last question. 
    • Adjusted two words in the Vocab list to avoid confusion (Sorry Icelandic fans, no more egg = egg!)
    • Added two new ranks to the results screen, rank "M" and rank "F". Rank "M" is given to those who have mastered the list completely and rank "F" is pretty self explanatory.
  • Visuals/Sounds
    • Added some moving clouds to the title screen to make it look nice
    • Increased the volume on the drumroll sound effect

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